Product Details


September 2024


Tom Winpenny continues his pioneering recording of lesser-known English organ music, and writes for us about Gerald Hendrie, whose compositions he’s recorded on the fine organ at St Albans Cathedral. We feature two articles with a Parisian flavour: Alan Thurlow, former Organist and Master of the Choristers of Chichester Cathedral, explains the links between one of his predecessors, Horace Hawkins, and Widor. Fast-forwarding a few decades, we hear from Norman Harper about the close working relationship between Pierre Labric – who has recently turned 103 – and the legendary Jeanne Demessieux. Remaining in continental Europe, we visit the new Rieger organ in Helsinki’s Musiikkitalo (‘Music House’). Our late Editor, Francis O’Gorman, had worked on a literary essay that considers anti- word painting in sacred music. Following the sad death of Dominic Gwynn, Andrew McCrea offers a tribute to Dominic’s pioneering work as an organ- builder. We also announce the winner of the OR Hymn Tune Competition…


Tom Winpenny continues his pioneering recording of lesser-known English organ music, and writes for us about Gerald Hendrie, whose compositions he’s recorded on the fine organ at St Albans Cathedral. We feature two articles with a Parisian flavour: Alan Thurlow, former Organist and Master of the Choristers of Chichester Cathedral, explains the links between one of his predecessors, Horace Hawkins, and Widor. Fast-forwarding a few decades, we hear from Norman Harper about the close working relationship between Pierre Labric – who has recently turned 103 – and the legendary Jeanne Demessieux. Remaining in continental Europe, we visit the new Rieger organ in Helsinki’s Musiikkitalo (‘Music House’). Our late Editor, Francis O’Gorman, had worked on a literary essay that considers anti- word painting in sacred music. Following the sad death of Dominic Gwynn, Andrew McCrea offers a tribute to Dominic’s pioneering work as an organ- builder. We also announce the winner of the OR Hymn Tune Competition…

Additional information

Weight 0.275 kg
Dimensions 324 × 229 × 1 cm