The new issue has a particular focus downwards! That is to say, there are two articles on the pedal board. What can we discover, not least for organ technique, from learning to play the pedal clavichord? Terence Charlston makes some suggestions. And was Lemmens’s famous pedal technique original to him? John Scott Whiteley looks at the evidence. There is also, in a completely different context, some thoughts in the new issue about the pedal board in David Knight’s article on organs for the coronation in Westminster Abbey. Rather surprisingly, we learn from this not least that the main organ of the Abbey was removed for most coronations and a temporary one installed.
The last temporary one, for Queen Victoria, provocatively according to some observers, had a quiver of ‘continental’ pedals. Francis O’Gorman thinks about how organ teachers are described; John Hosking about the changing conception of cathedral musicians in the 20th century. And at the end, Andrew Kirk reflects on his twenty years at the great parish church of St Mary Redcliffe.